Videos 2020

Psychology of Character Presentations

Angela Lee Duckworth Resisting Everything Except Temptation: A Longitudinal Study of Domain Specificity in Self-Control

Erik E. Noftle Stability and Change in Early Emerging Adulthood

Taya Cohen Moral Character in the Workplace

Elizabeth Boerger Relations Among Children's Understanding of Mind, Moral Self-Concept and Involvement in Prosocial vs. Antisocial Behavior

Sara Konrath Using Text Messages to Build Empathic Character?

Jochen Gebauer Belief in the Existence of True Altruism

David Gallardo-Pujol Taking Evil Into the Lab

Brenda L. McDaniel Structure and Consistency of Character

Jessica A. Sommerville The Development of Character in Early Childhood

Wiebke Bleidorn Loving Mum and Tough Career Girl

Matthias Mehl Eavesdropping on Character

Geoff Goodwin Understanding the Perceived Structure and Importance of Moral Character

Philosophy of Character Presentations

Nathan King Virtue Epistemology: Unexplored Territory

Bradford Cokelet Vindicating Virtue

John Turri Virtue Epistemology & Intellectual Character

Rebecca Stangl Aristotelian Autonomy

Kristoffer Ahlstrom-Vij Epistemic Justice and the Social Virtue of Deference

Charles Starkey Character, Emotion, and Value

Jessica Wolfendale War Crimes, Obedience, and Responsibility

Linda Zagzebski Moral Exemplars in Theory and Practice

Theology of Character Presentations

Michael Austin Humility: A Study in Analytic Moral Theology

Elizabeth Bucar Pious Fashion: The Virtues of Hijabi Fashionistas

Terence Cuneo Being for the Good: Essays on Liturgy and Character

Tzvi Novick And Afterward None Like Him Arose

Daniel McKaughan Voles, Vasopressin, and Virtue

Elizabeth Cochran Virtue, Providence, and the Moral Life

Cristian Mihut The Virtue of Forgiveness: Between Jerusalem, Athens, and M.I.T.

Ray Yeo Character Formation by Grace

Presentation by Director

Christian Miller A New Approach to Character Traits in Light of Psychology

The Character Project: New Frontiers in Psychology, Philosophy, and Theology